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Whānau Manaaki Kindergartens

Working for whānau, not for profit.

Whakakitenga | Our Vision: to be a respected leader in early childhood education and a strong advocate for tamariki and whānau

Whānau Manaaki kindergartens bring learning, connection and fun to whānau across Aotearoa.

Whānau Manaaki is a non-profit association providing free early childhood education and community services for whānau across Aotearoa. We offer high-quality teaching and learning with our 100% qualified and registered kindergarten teachers and our skilled and trained educators.

Whānau Manaaki provides administrative, management and property management support to over 100 kindergartens across Aotearoa, supporting educational leadership and professional development to over 800 teaching staff and educators.

A focus on innovation and excellence supports our teachers and educators to provide for the needs of children and their families.

Around 5000 tamariki are enrolled in our kindergartens, and over 80 children are enrolled with our Pasifika-focused Etu Ao home-based services.

Whānau Manaaki children get a great start to their formal education in a caring community environment. Each kindergarten offers its own individual programme, created around community interests along with Te Whāriki - New Zealand's early childhood curriculum.

Enrolments Are Now Open!

Spaces are available at Whānau Manaaki kindergartens across the motu! Most of our kindergartens provide 20 hours free for all children from 2-5 years old, low fees after 20 hours, and 100% qualified teachers. Looking for childcare that guarantees learning, friendship, and fun? Find a kindergarten near you and begin the enrolment process today.

Spaces Available at Tōtara Park Kindergarten in Upper Hutt!

Tōtara Park Kindergarten has been based in their community since 1975! They offer a beautiful environment with a large outdoor area and plenty
of spaces to discover and explore.

As a Whānau Manaaki Kindergarten they work for whānau, not for profit and they also offer:

• 20 HOURS FREE for ALL tamariki aged 2-5 years old
• 100% QUALIFIED ECE teachers
• Te Tiriti o Waitangi led bicultural practices
• Celebration of all cultures at kindergarten
• A welcoming, caring & fun environment for tamariki and their whānau

The curriculum empowers, inspires and provokes children to lead their own learning individually with support from the teaching team, whānau and peers.

Pop in for a visit and find out more about kindergarten community!

👉 Visit us to find out more at 7a Denver Grove, Tōtara Park, Upper Hutt. Call 04 526 9236 or register your interest below
100% qualified ECE teachers and most of our kindergartens offer 20 Hours FREE for all tamariki aged 2-5 years old

Whānau Manaaki News