Whakarite tonotono | Application Requirements
Applicants for teaching roles must provide relevant documentation...

To apply for a teaching position with Whānau Manaaki, applicants must hold (and attach copies of):
• Diploma or Bachelor Degree in Early Childhood Teaching, Level 7 or above (studied in NZ or with NZQA Equivalency)
• Registration and Current Practising Certificate
• Current First Aid Certificate
• Eligibility to work in NZ
Each advertised role specifies 4-5 key skills or abilities we are looking for, for that position. We ask that you talk about these in your application and give examples of how you have demonstrated these skills/abilities in previous roles. This is important as our kindergartens are nestled deep within their communities, and each community we serve has its own needs. This means our teaching teams need to be diverse in order to effectively deliver quality ECE.
Alongside your cover letter and C.V., we need a full work history including hours worked per week and length of service. This is a requirement of the Vulnerable Children’s Act, and will also determine your pay rate. Submitting your work history at the beginning of your application will speed up our process should you be successful.
You'll see we also ask for two referees. You'll want to make sure they can tell us about your teaching practice (if you're a teacher) or your suitability for the position.
The Three-stage process
- Submitting an online application
Once you’ve decided to apply for a role, you need to complete a short online application form. You will be asked to attach your cover letter, C.V., work history and other relevant documents to support your application.
A full work history and how you meet the key requirements is required for those applying for teaching positions.
We will send you an email when we receive your online application. Please look for this email, you may want to check your JUNK folder.
2. Interviews
If you are shortlisted for a position, our People team will contact you to arrange an interview. If you’re not shortlisted for that position, we will email you to let you know. You are welcome to request feedback on your application.
If you have been shortlisted for a role you will receive email confirmation with an interview time. Please check your emails, including your JUNK folder.
3. Reference checks and further assessments
Following your interview, one of our team will contact you regarding the outcome of your application.