Mo tātou uara | Our Values
Our vision for Whānau Manaaki is firstly derived from our belief in the importance of quality early childhood education for the tamariki themselves, their whānau, their community and for Aotearoa New Zealand

Te manu e kai te miro nona te ngahere. Te tamaiti e kai te matauranga nona te ao.
The bird who feeds on the miro has the forest. The child who feeds on education has the world.
Our vision for Whānau Manaaki is firstly derived from our belief in the importance of quality early childhood education for the tamariki themselves, their whānau, their community and for Aotearoa New Zealand
We strongly believe in the right to quality early childhood education for every child in Aotearoa, but understand that many children and whānau do not have access to the services they deserve.
We seek to be a leader in the provision of high-quality early childhood education, and by demonstrating what can be achieved, be seen as advocates for children and whānau and help to improve quality early childhood education across the motu.
Our strategic plan focuses on four core values that we use as important guides for our everyday practices:
- Poipoi te mana ō te tamaiti | Nurturing the mana of the child
The aspiration statement in Te Whāriki, our curriculum, is for children: “to grow up as competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body, and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society”.
This statement relates to the concept of Mana, including: Mana Atua | Well-being; Mana Whenua | Belonging; Mana Tangata | Contribution; Mana Reo | Communication; Mana Aoturoa | Exploration.
- Kounga | Quality
International research and our own teaching and learning experiences over 100 years confirm that quality in early childhood education makes a critical difference to long-term outcomes for children.
- Mahi Tahi | Partnership
We work with others to achieve the best outcomes for children. We seek to develop strong partnerships with parents and whānau, schools, government agencies, community groups and all who are positively concerned with nurturing the mana of the child.
- Pono | Integrity
Our effectiveness in nurturing the mana of children, in convincing others of the critical importance of quality, and in building strong partnerships depends on our credibility.
We must maintain integrity in all we do and say, so that our voice is heard when we advocate for children.