Etu Ao
Etu Ao, which means 'Morning Star', is a programme providing home-based early childhood education and care for families in Porirua and Levin.

Etu Ao offers a strong educational programme within the culture and comfort ofa home environment, based on the Pacific tradition of extended family caring for children.
Most of our home educators are informal carers for family or friends who have taken the next step by training as an educator. Etu Ao educators work in partnership with qualified teachers to create positive learning environments and experiences for children.
Etu Ao Cares for the Community
Families needing an in-home educator - One of our Visiting Teachers will meet you to find an educator who meets the needs and aspirations (relating to culture, language, religion, education and care) you have for your child.
Families with an existing informal carer - If you already have an informal care arrangement, you and your carer can benefit from our programme.
Carers, or people new to childcare, who would like to become Etu Ao Educators - If you want to train for an educator role, you can take part in our programme which is open to people with or without experience. We welcome parents who want to stay home with their child and become an educator for additional children (maximum of four, including their own children).
How Much Does it Cost?
Families - We offer 30 hours free education and care from 9-3 each week day.
Educators - Educators can qualify with a level 4 Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care and a Certificate in First Aid for free. These qualifications are completed prior to becoming an Etu Ao educator.
Etu Ao Teaching and Learning
Our programme is about building strong relationships between educators, teachers and families to support children. Our community co-ordinator and visiting teacher work to strengthen these relationships – providing support to educators and keeping in regular contact with families.
Staff in our organisation speak Samoan, Cook Island Māori, Māori, Tokelauan and Niuean so you can email or ask that someone calls and speaks to you in one of these languages.
For families who have difficulties with transport to and from their Etu Ao provider, or kindergarten we offer a free transport service. In the video below staff discuss the benefits of this service.
Call or email us on or 021 222 5997 or 04 232 1658.
You can also follow Etu Ao on Facebook!