Loss of Literacy Programme for Pasifika Children
Toru Fetū Assistant Head Teacher Alana Nootai was interviewed last week, for a story on E-Tangata about the loss of the Pasifika literacy project that was axed last year.
Toru Fetū Assistant Head Teacher Alana Nootai was interviewed last week, for a story on E-Tangata about the loss of the Pasifika literacy project that was axed last year.
Whānau Manaaki has released its first whānau pānui of the year!
Whānau Manaaki Kindergartens through our collective organisation Kindergartens Aotearoa had the chance to be heard by the Justice Select Committee on our submission on the Treaty Principles Bill last week.
This week, the Education Minister Erica Stanford stressed the value of qualified teachers in early childhood education.
Teaching Council CEO Lesley Hoskin has spoken out against the proposed changes to current requirements for qualified teachers in early childhood centres.
Finance Minister and Wellington based MP Nicola Willis visited Waitohi Kindergarten in Johnsonville, responding to an invitation to hear concerns about the future of early childhood education under the government’s deregulation agenda.
Rachel Graves and Kylie Semu joined the board after the AGM late last year as community representatives.
The Education Review Office has now published its report on Whānau Manaaki Services
Whānau Manaaki opposes the Regulatory Standards Bill 2025 and calls for it to be rejected.
Whānau Manaaki opposes the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill and calls for it to be rejected.