Te Poari | The Board
Our Board has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring the delivery of quality early childhood education across Whānau Manaaki. This group provides strategic direction, sets our policy framework and makes the "big decisions" that affect all our services.

The overall governance of Whānau Manaaki is the responsibility of the Board which, in turn, is accountable to the Whānau Manaaki community.
The Board is elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year. The Board is comprised of elected members (who are parents/caregivers or members of the community), staff representatives and the Chief Executive. The Board can appoint additional members who have specific skills.
The Board delegates day-to-day management of Whānau Manaaki to the Chief Executive.
Martin Robinson
Board Chair
Martin became involved with Whānau Manaaki in 2019 when his children started attending kindergarten. He has worked in property, the government sector and the corporate world both in New Zealand and overseas.
With a passion for local community, he volunteers for several Boards in the Porirua area. He finds the role both challenging and rewarding. “Stewardship of an organisation as important to our communities as He Whānau Manaaki is something that requires focus and attention to make sure we're doing our best by our tamariki, their whānau and our communities.”
Miranda Zander
Deputy Chair
Miranda Zander became involved in kindergarten through her daughters Chloe and Bianca. They have both attended Paparārangi Kindergarten, and she enjoys the kindergarten ethos. She particularly appreciates that kindergarten involves the whole family, not just the kindergarten child.
As a lawyer and a celebrant, Miranda had skills to share on the board and she has been able to learn more about the early childhood sector and all it entails. She says it’s a lovely accommodating environment to be a board member, where members are not afraid to ask tough questions to enable good decisions.
Emma McGregor
Finance Chair
Emma McGregor lives on a sheep and beef farm in the Wairarapa, and all three of her children attended South End Kindergarten in Carterton.
She became involved with the board because she wanted to ensure that the community feel of kindergarten remains as the organisation grows. Emma says it’s great to be part of an organisation that can offer behind the scenes support to help kindergartens to remain close to their local communities.
She’s also proud of the way Whānau Manaaki helps families in wider ways – for example with vouchers and shopping during the pandemic.
Anne Prescott
Staff Representative
Anne Prescott has worked as a kaiako at Northland Kindergarten for over 11 years. She lives in Titahi Bay with her husband and 3 teenage/young adult children.
Anne is passionate about the role that kindergarten plays in the lives of whānau with young children and excited to be a part of the growing role that Whānau Manaaki has taken in the wider community over the past few years as it develops programmes and structures that provide wrap around services for whānau.
Her forward thinking, positive mindset, strong organisational abilities, solution focussed approach and love of community would be an asset to the Whānau Manaaki board.
Daniel Wark
Community Representative
Daniel was a member of the fundraising committee and board at his local early childhood centre, and a community representative, then Chairperson on the South Otago Kindergarten Association Board.
He is passionate about what kindergartens offer families, their values and inclusiveness, and the importance of having trained teachers supporting and growing our young tamariki.
Daniel is also part of Kindergartens Aotearoa and recognises the importance of growing the Kindergarten movement again in our country. In Daniel's everyday life he manages a sheep and beef farm, is a volunteer fire fighter, and a baord member for two local schools.
Hayley Galo
Mana Whenua Representative
Jessica Firmin
Staff Representative
Jessica lives in Whanganui with her 3 children, and has been the Head Teacher at Marie McFarland Kindergarten since 2019. She has many years experience working within schools in supporting roles and has taught in Kōhanga Reo, day care and kindergarten.
As well as representing our staff on the Board, Jessica has completed the first Indigenous Full Distance Triathlon in Napier and has gained a full scholarship in memory of Corrine Te Au-Watson through sharing her story. Her strength, courage and determination has inspired many, and she is a great asset to our Board.
Kath Cooper
Community Representative
Kath Cooper is a qualified Early Childhood Teacher, who has also worked as a Centre Manager and Senior Lecturer at Te Rito Maioha. Kath is married to Jody, and they have four children, and four grandchildren.
Kath is also a qualified Gallup Strengths coach and is passionate about helping teams work better together. Kath enjoys time with friends, family, and walking her wee dog, Meg.
Leanne Nelson
Ex Officio Senior Teacher
Leanne is a Senior Teacher at Whānau Manaaki, working with Upper Hutt/Wairarapa and South Otago kindergartens.
She truly values and feels privileged to be supporting and connecting with our greatest resource, our kaiako who work so hard with true vision to support their tamariki, whānau and communities.
Leanne has been teaching since 1996 in various roles and loves the passion, diversity and advocacy of the Board, the Association and the Senior Teacher team. When she's not busy with all things “kindyland” she lives in Upper Hutt with my husband Steve and two children Zac and Abby. She love sthe outdoors and exploring the coast line on the Wairarapa coast.
Natasha Munroe
Community Representative
Kylie Semu
Community Representative
Kylie lives in Upper Hutt with her husband and four children. She currently has one child attending Irmgard Ritchie Kindergarten.
She is very family orientated and has a large extended family highlighted by their weekly family dinners where there can be 40+ attending. She also has a passion for giving back to her community through various coaching and volunteering roles.
Kylie joined the board this year as she is passionate about early childhood and the role this plays on developing children before they head off to school. Going through the journey herself she really values what great early childhood teaching is and is very grateful to be in this position to be able to represent the community.
Rachel Graves
Community Representative
Rachel has a background in teaching and lives in Lyall Bay with her partner and their blended family of three girls. Her youngest, Sophie, attends Lyall Bay and Te Ō Newtown Kindergarten, where Rachel also works as a relief teacher while completing her PhD.
She is passionate about ensuring all communities have access to high-quality early childhood education and values the strong connection that kindergartens foster between tamariki, whānau, and Kaiako.
Rachel has experience as an early childhood teacher and a master's in educational leadership.