Whānau Manaaki Kindergartens along with many other organisations and individuals concerned with the wellbeing of children, young people and families made a submission regarding the proposed law change.

Chief Executive Amanda Coulston spoke to the committee as well as Ngaretta Strong who works as kaiako and learning support at Toru Fetū and Nuanua kindergartens and is a member of Nga Taura Here, and Alice Mose-Tuialii, Team Leader of Piri’anga Alofa Pacific and Community Services navigators. 

 They argued that valuing identity language and culture is essential to the wellbeing and educational success of children, and removing  Te Tiriti o Waitangi for ideological reasons will harm children. The committee listened attentively and asked questions relating to the effect on education of removing the provision and the effect on Pacific communities.

You can watch the oral presentation here:   

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