Teaching Council CEO Lesley Hoskin has spoken out against the proposed changes to current requirements for qualified teachers in early childhood centres.

Current regulations ensure that at least 50 percent of staff at ECE centres are qualified teachers, whereas the recent review recommends the requirement of only one qualified teacher, with other staff allowed to have other, lesser qualifications. Regulation Minister David Seymour has accepted all of the review's recommendations, and has said early childhood groups should expect to see change proposals early this year.

Hoskin says "…this would be devastating for our children entering into any next education in their entire life. The evidence shows that teachers make the biggest impact to education outcomes for children... we don't just have teachers in there providing care and safety for children to be - in a sense - baby-sat. These are people who are deliberately causing learning to happen. Doing assessments to make sure these young children are developing, in a way appropriate for the age, but supported in their learning."

Whānau Manaaki will continue to provide 100 percent qualified teachers to our kindergarten communities, regardless of recommendations from the review. We will keep voicing our staunch opposition to this regulation change, and to inform the public of the devastating affects that this could have on our future generations. 

Read the full story and discussion with Lesley Hoskin on RNZ here

Pictured above- Poupoutunoa Kindergarten advocates for children on last year's NZEI Day of Action

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