Poupoutunoa Kindergarten is a community based Kindergarten located in the heart of Clinton. We are a rural based Kindergarten, with families attending from a wide surrounding area.
We are a new Kindergarten opened Monday 12th October, 2020. We offer quality education for children aged 6 months-6 years and we are open 50 weeks a year.
At Poupoutunoa Kindergarten we believe in fostering a strong sense of whanaungatanga, between, kaiako, parents/whanau, children and the wider community. Developing strong relationships supports children to settle into Kindergarten with ease and have the confidence to grow and learn. We view all children as learners, who all have a unique identity. Through intentional teaching we can support children in achieving the learning outcomes on their own individual learning journey and fostering a passion for learning.
Come and visit us at 6 Westra Street, Clinton. Enrollments open now, or come visit us, we would love to see you.!
The team

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