About us and our programme

Our kindergarten on the Martinborough school grounds welcomes all families from our beautiful village and surrounding area.  Our tamariki enjoy a calm and nurturing environment which supports their well-being.

We have respectful relationships between kaiako, tamariki and whānau and we support each child’s individual learning journey, upholding their mana.  We have a strong emphasis on Te Ao Māori and a bicultural approach to teaching and learning.  

Our tamariki feel safe and nurtured.  They enjoy fun and meaningful learning experiences - from rippa rugby to athletics on the school field, there’s something for everyone.

We promote sustainability and tamariki enjoy learning about kaitiakitanga (guardianship) of our environment, through planting, looking after our vege garden and feeding our hungry worms.

We use technology to support children’s learning and encourage them to investigate and research. We foster independence, confidence problem solving and creativity.

Children make great friendships here that continue on into school. 

We welcome new families to come and have a look around and see for yourself!

Register your interest here!

The team

Front row from left to right: Ali Diamond (T), Jane Firth-McMahon (T), Megan Gibson (HT), Trinity Shaw (admin) Back row: Corina Lawson(T), Allie Hiemstra(T), Jo Lowe(T)

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Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 2:30pm

2025 Term Dates

Term 1:

Thursday 23 January to Friday 11 April

Term 2:

Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June

Term 3:

Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September

Term 4:

Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December