Matariki Kindergarten
Monday to Friday:
Full day session: 7:45am – 4.45pm
8hr session: 8:00am – 4:00pm
7hr session: 8:30am – 3:30pm

About us and our programme
Matariki Kindergarten is nestled against the background of Wallaceville Hill across the road from Wallaceville Estates. We provide the community with a whānau based, full-day mixed age kindergarten, for children from birth to five years old (40 over 2 year olds and 5 under 2 year olds).
Our kindergarten philosophy and programme is designed to meet the needs of individual children. We are the only Kindergarten in Upper Hutt that provides all day education and care, and we are open during the school holidays.
We have a strong community feel, and enjoy our whānau nights each term. These provide a chance for our families and extended whānau to come together and celebrate.
Our committed teaching team fosters learning through respectful, responsive and caring relationships and learning experiences. Within our mixed age setting tuakana/teina is an important part of our philosophy, as our children of all ages learn alongside one another in an environment where manaakitanga is highly valued.
The team

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