Finance Minister and Wellington based MP Nicola Willis visited Waitohi Kindergarten in Johnsonville last term, responding to an invitation to hear concerns about the future of early childhood education under the government’s deregulation agenda.

Nicola was interested to hear about how Whānau Manaaki supports families with its broad range of services, removing barriers to attendance. She stressed her awareness of the importance of relationships with kaiako, in supporting parenting. Nicola also acknowledged the views of parents that had been delivered in person to her office during the NZEI Day of Action. She was interested in hearing about why qualified teachers make a difference. She also shared her experience of early childhood services with her own children.

Head Teacher Annie Masterton says the visit was very positive, and Nicola stayed longer than her allocated time. Senior Teacher Fiona Twaddle who supported the visit says it was a really successful event that helped build relationships with the government and shows the importance of personal contact in influencing government thinking on policy.

Whānau Manaaki has heard from MPs that the concerns of parents are being heard around the country about the future of kindergarten, and letters from parents and wider whānau are having an effect.

Image: Nicola Willis speaks with Waitohi Head Teacher Annie Masterton and Khandallah Kindergarten Teacher Ani Prasaad.  

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