In November 2023, Whānau Manaaki celebrated the launch of Piri'anga Alofa - Pacific and Community Services.  Over 80 special guests including Barbara Edmonds MPAnita Baker - Mayor of Porirua City and Kathleen Filo- Porirua City Councillor attended the official celebration at the Whānau Manaaki Head Office in Porirua.

The launch was to officially recognise and bless the new name for Pacific and Community Services which were formally known as Amataga O Le Folauga 'the beginning of the journey'.

Along with the new name, Piri’anga Alofa marks a new stage of the growth and development of community services which will now operate as a separate business unit under Whānau Manaaki Kindergartens.

Amataga Le Folaulaga was established in 2012 when WM started its homebased service, Etu Ao. The name Amataga at the time, reflected the new journey, services and initiatives being provided by the team through a Pacific values lens. Over time the services provided to the community have grown to include several social contracts including Whanau Ora, Community Connect and support for people isolating with COVID, these contracts and opportunities continue. 

The name was chosen in consultation with the Amataga team and incorporates several Pacific languages.  ‘Piri’anga’ is the Cook Island word for relationships and connections that have relevance. Alofa, in the languages of Samoan, Tokelauan and Tuvaluan, encompasses a rich tapestry of meanings that go beyond the simple translation of ‘Love’.

Whānau Manaaki, through their work in the community, is seen as a professional, reputable organisation holistically supporting local communities.  There are ongoing opportunities for growth in this social space and having community services as a separate business unit will ensure that growth is supported and sustained. 

Thank you to everyone in the Piri'anga Alofa team, to our Community Services Senior Lead Lealamanu'a Aiga Caroline Mareko and to all those who spoke at the launch including Mama Kitiona Tauira, Papa Tea Joseph, Pastor Teremoana Tauira, Talamalie Moamoa Faleafaga, Te Rūnanga O Toa Rangatira representative and Board member Hayley Galo and our CEO Amanda Coulston.


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